Hello, my name is Chris Crawley and I serve here as pastor. We are a King James Bible believing, dispensational, Independent Baptist church focused on the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. We have been here at this location since 1937 and have existed as a church since 1912. We feel that God has placed us here in this location not just for the community, but for the vacationing community as well. We have been blessed with many visitors and God has allowed us to be a part of their lives. Friendships and relationships with our guests have been a part of who we are. 

        I believe you will find good, strong, biblical preaching and teaching. We believe the KJV only and have taken a stand on this Bible as being the true words of God... no apologies! God meets with us and we still give an invitation at service's end. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere where Christ is crowned, Christians are convicted, and the Carnal are converted. So, please come out and visit if you are in the area. Feel free to contact me with any question or comments.


          In Service to the LORD Jesus Christ,

          pastor Chris Crawley

2 Tim. 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.